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World Seminar by ShARE

ShARE organizes an annual global event: the World Seminar where ShARE students get together around its mission– Do well, Do good. During the seminar, we like to confront the experience of world leaders with the fresh ideas and aspirations of energetic and bright students. Students can meet, interact and collaborate on projects with students from different countries.


ShARE has organized more than 10 such global events in the past in Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Porto, Bangalore, Delhi.

The ShARE World Seminar 2017, its 10th edition, was hosted at IIT Bombay. The theme for the seminar was Shaping Tomorrow's Prime-Movers, attempting to instill a passion for innovation and building a collective consciousness. 

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The ShARE World Seminar 2013, was the first one to be hosted by the ShARE team at IIT Bombay. The underlying theme of the event was ‘Building a collective consciousness’.

IIT Bombay had the privilege of hosting the seminar in 2013 and 2017

ShARE IIT Bombay also attended World Seminars in 2011 and 2016.

ShARE IITB Team attends World Seminar 2016 at EPFL, Switzerland


ShARE IITB Team attends World Seminar 2011 at IIM Bangalore. 

Right in their first year of inception, the IITB team bagged the first position in the Battle of the Chapters with their points tally being more than that of first, second and third runner up combined.

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