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  • Writer's pictureShARE IIT Bombay

The Battle of the Learning Units

Competition makes us Faster, Collaboration makes us Better.

The 6 learning units at ShARE battled out through the year in multiple competitions to get the top spot in the Inter-LU Leaderboard.

Competition 1: The Problem Solving Challenge

The problem statement: With new entrants, acquisitions and established players, how will the Indian domestic aviation sector sustain and tackle the challenges ahead?

Each learning unit chose its airline of promise and came up with impactful solutions after extensive research. Collaboration and speed were key as all of this was done within an hour.

City & Consumer won the competition by a huge margin while Technology and Mobility came second and third respectively.

Team City & Consumer

The winning entry:


Competition 2: The Debate

The debate involved insightful discussions as LUs went toe-to-toe in bringing their perspectives on emerging problems.

3 groups of 2 LUs each discussed the following problem statements:

1. Will the world be able to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement?

2. Are the benefits of electric mobility limited to the affluent urban population?

3. Can UPI take over SWIFT and further democratise global financial systems?

Vinankara Joshi (GE1), Dipanshu Srivastava (Tech), Mukul Hatekar (SE) and Manvi Baid (SE) emerged as our star speakers showing strong ability to communicate their ideas.

Top Performers with Moderator Akshata Jain

The debate was an exciting learning opportunity for our junior members as Akshata Jain, having represented India at multiple international tournaments, provided personalised feedback to each group!

Sustainable Energy won the competition by a decent margin while Global Economy 1 and Technology came second and third respectively.


Competition 3: ShARE Tank

The members wore the hat of an entrepreneur and applied their creativity, imagination as well as storytelling skills to prepare a pitch. They presented in front of Learning Unit Managers who acted as potential investors or ShARKs.

Each LU got a sector related to their LU where they had to think of a product and its use cases.

  • City and Consumer - Food & Nutrition

  • Global Economy 1 - Fintech

  • Global Economy 2 - Health & Wellbeing

  • Mobility - Urban Mobility

  • Sustainable Energy - Waste Management

  • Technology- Augmented / Virtual Reality

The pitches were evaluated mainly on

  • Storyline & Presentation

  • Business plan

  • Creativity

Team Mobility won the hearts of the investors and secured the first position in the final competition of the battle.

Their entry of the product "Furry Wheels" was the winner.

They were followed by Technology & Global Economy 1 at a close second and third position.


Final Leaderboard!

Team Mobility jumped from the 4th to 1st position to clinch the Inter-LU Title 2022-23.

Team Mobility




Global Economy 1

City & Consumer

Sustainable Energy

Global Economy 2

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