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  • Writer's pictureShARE IIT Bombay

Monthly Recap

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

ShARE IIT Bombay conducts collective learning sessions every week focused on developing a multitude of skills pertaining to leadership, professionalism, and consulting. Various activities such as GDs, debates, case studies are held to enhance and practice those skills.

With a goal to educate the outside world on what exactly happens at ShARE IIT Bombay, we are delighted the commence the #MonthlyRecap blog series to summarize the activities conducted every month.

August 2021

Check out what we did at ShARE IIT Bombay in the first month of the programme, i.e. August 2021

Weekly Meet 1

Do well Do Good Group Discussion

As part of the first activity at ShARE IIT Bombay, the members focussed on the mission of ShARE- 'Do Well, Do Good'. After a brief of the various criterias of the mission and an example, a Group Discussion was conducted in every Learning Unit on latest and relevant topics.

The topics were as follows:

1. Does using personal information and data collection on large scale for customized services by companies and facial recognition technologies to help curb down criminal activity align with the Do Well Do Good principles of ShARE?

2. According to researchers, 5G can have serious implications on the healths of humans and animals. In spite of the benefits 5G can bring, is the decision by companies to venture into this market a 'do well, do good' decision?

Weekly Meet 2

Market Sizing and Market Entry

Understanding the basic consulting concept of market sizing through real-life examples.

Working out market entry cases in three sectors, namely- Wind Energy, Automobile and Furniture.

Weekly Meet 3

Inter-LU Competition

The 6 learning units battled out in the first of many Inter-LU competitions.

It was based on breaking down a problem and presenting solutions using the MECE methodology and 80-20 rules learnt in the ShARE module.

The problem statement:

How can commercial banks be mademore accessible in rural communities?

The top 3 learnings units and their presentations as judged by the senior members are as follows:

First place: Global Economy I

Second place: City and Consumer

Third place: Global Economy II

Weekly Meet 4

Team Building activity

For a first, the members were alloted in random groups and assigned an escape room virtually. They had to whack their brains and escape with the help of interesting clues and Google maps.

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