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ShARE Leadership Programme
ShARE's programme is offered to students who have the potential to shape a more sustainable and inclusive world. ShARE focuses its efforts on the schools where future leaders are educated and have a rigorous multi-step recruitment process before admitting students to its program. The programme runs over 2 academic years and it is adjusted to local context to ensure students can balance their time between the programme and their academic curriculum. 





Corporate Skills 


To bridge the gap between education and corporate life, we are trained with 40+ hours of corporate training created and delivered by former McKinsey and BCG consultants. Several important tool kits such as problem-solving, slide making, strategy, and communication are worked upon. These are then practiced by working on live consulting and startup projects.


Do well Do Good


The mission of ShARE is a pillar on its own to ensure the concept is well understood by the ShARE students. We bring it in anything that students do: projects, skill development, campus activities. Case methods are used to let students grasp and apply the concept. We delve into questions like what business and practices should corporates stop, what "good growth" businesses should they launch to compensate for the loss of revenue. 


Openness to the world


It is critical for our future leaders to be curious about the world and embrace cultural differences. Now you all know, nothing is confined within the local or national borders. Most of the problems in the world such as climate change, energy, migration are global problems and hence it requires every one of us to work in collaboration. ShARE teaches you to be open to the world and address the bigger issues.




ShARE aims to create a new generation of leaders for the world. Students who inspire others, lead change and have a greater impact than just themself. The best way to learn leadership is to practice it. ShARE students get the opportunity to lead teams, lead projects, teach or interact with world leaders over the course of two years. 

4 Pillars of the Programme

The programme has 5 modules and runs over 1.5 academic years. It is adjusted to the local context to ensure students can balance their time between the programme and their academic curriculum. During a typical week, a student will spend 2-3 hours on e-learning,  4-5 hours on assignments, and 2 hours in local team meetings.

Programme Modules

Module 1 (4 weeks)

"First Consulting Presentation "
Apply basic consulting skills into a simple issue

Module 2 (8 weeks)

"Start-up project "

Apply your consulting skills on a Do Well Do Good start-up

Module 3 (5 weeks)

"I-batch "
Work with students from 4 different countries on a

Do Well Do Good case

Module 4 (4 weeks)

"NGO Project"

Engaging with an education/recycling organisation

Module 5 (4 weeks)


Do Well Do Good Transformation Case From a Corporate Partner


The pedagogy in ShARE is similar to the one in the corporate world and complementary to the academic world

Learning Pedagogy

Learning together


Students are grouped into teams of 5: groups compete and students grade is made of 50% of their own grade and 50% of their team grade

Learning by doing


Students spend more than 60% of their time on real projects so they can sharpen their skills through practice

Learning by teaching


2nd year students become teachers of the first-year students, this is the best way to ensure concepts and skills have been fully acquired

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